Mid-Year Business Review

Are you on track to hit your big numbers in 2023?

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July 18th, 2023 | 10:30am to 2:30 p.m. ET

As business owners and entrepreneurs we know how it feels when we create an amazing plan for the next year, and if you are like the majority, it MAY have ended up collecting dust in a drawer.

Let's not let our well-laid plans get dusty!

Join us to do an in depth review of where you are now vs. where you thought you'd be or would like to be!

One of the most important things that are business gives us is DATA. But it can quickly turn into bad data if we don't pay attention. One of the reasons why we take a deep breath and do a mid-year business review, even if we look at our numbers regularly, is to understand what our data is telling us and where it can take us from here!

So let's dive in and see what there is to see, shall we?

Who is this for?

Business Owners and Entrepreneurs who want to be BRAVE and see what their business is telling them after the first half of the year!

Specifically designed to get the most out of your half-day of CEO time, this will remind you of the big plans you created and allow you to shift your priorities to align with the big goals you'd created for 2023! (If you ARE in alignment, this is where it really gets fun and you get to HONE your output based on your data!!)

And if you have yet to SET a plan, there is nothing like the present! Now's the time!

Where: Zoom

When: July 18th from 10:30am - 2:30pm ET

Who: Led by Katie Nelson, with other growth-minded individuals such as yourself

Why: Because you’re ready to see where you are for the year to prepare for the last 6 months and to hit your biggest goals possible!


Katie Nelson, Founder + CEO

of Sales UpRising

Katie Nelson has built her business around this message: Cashflow Is Oxygen. She is committed to bringing the fun back into sales and helping her clients grow their small businesses into six-figure-plus Big League Players. Katie is a speaker, consultant, and business coach with a total 25 years of sales expertise and $150 million sold in products and services. She believes that small business owners can and should harness their profit-making potential to maximize their revenue. Known as “The Sales Catalyst,” Katie has worked with hundreds of entrepreneurs to transform their companies from ideas to thriving businesses. She is adamant that any entrepreneur can sell his or her knowledge, gifts, and passions to the world, because sales is just sharing your solution.